NPressive Help

Store Settings Manual Renewals

This article details how admins can manually add orders to track offline membership renewals.

Manual Renewals

A new order is automatically generated whenever a member purchases a product, such as memberships. You can find a listing of all these orders by selecting Settings, and then Orders.

However, an admin can also generate a Manual Renewal on behalf of a member. This is helpful when the member renewed offline, outside of NPressive. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Begin by impersonating the user

  2. Visit the renewal wizard URL (e.g. 

  3. Complete the renewal wizard on behalf of the user

  4. For payment, select the Pay Later option or enter their payment information

  5. If you selected Pay Later option, you must also edit the order and set the status as completed

Email Notifications

There are a few types of email notifications sent out by NPressive for Manual Renewals:

  • An order processing status email confirmation is sent from NPressive to the member directly, letting them know the order was received.

  • An order completed status email confirmations are sent from NPressive both to the admin(s) and member when an order is marked as completed.

  • If a payment is made on behalf of the member, a payment succeeded status email receipt is sent from Stripe, the payment processor, to the member directly upon successful payment/charge.

  • If the payment on behalf of the member was made via ACH bank transfer, both a "processing" and "success" email notification will be sent to the member.

Last modified on June 21st, 2024