NPressive Help

Settings Users Understanding User Status

This article explains the various member user statuses and how they impact the cost your NPressive instance.

Managing a User's Status

Types of User Statuses

These are several status you may see for Users:

  • Draft is the initial user status given when you first start creating a user profile; it can not be selected.

  • Active means the user can log into the portal, grants them full access, AND their profile is visible to other members.

  • Guest (limited) means the user can login to the portal BUT grants them limited access, AND their profile is visible to other members.

  • Inactive means the user can NOT login to the portal, BUT their profile is visible to other members.

Setting the Guest (limited) Status

You can limit what sections users with the Guest (limited) status can visit. This status is helpful if you want the user to retain access to the portal, but with limited access.

  • To set this global setting, admins can visit Settings

  • Select Configure Instance

  • Expand Instance Settings

  • Enter in the URLs you wish to constrain members with this user status

If you have questions, please contact NPressive Support from the Help menu within the web application.

How to View Users by Status

  1. Login as an instance owner or admin

  2. Select the menu Settings > Users

  3. Expand the Filters, select the Status drop-down field, and select the "Active" option

User table filters

To change a user's status, simply Edit their profile, navigate to the Status field, and select the "inactive" option.

Effect of User Status on Pricing

Whether you have 100 or 1 million users, NPressive scales with your organization. As more users benefit from your private member portal, the more valuable your organization will be to them.

Each tier of NPressive has a defined cost per user per month. Your specific licensing fee is based on the total number of users in an instance during a given month period, regardless of status. You can view tier user pricing here:

To lower your instance license cost, you must select the user's record and select Send to Trash; this will delete all data associated with the user, ensuring their data is securely removed from your instance.

Last modified on June 28th, 2023