NPressive Help

Settings Users Onboarding Set a password

NPressive empowers both a User and an Admin to set a new password for a user.

Important Clarifications

Password resets are delivered via email immediately upon request; you should check your SPAM folder in the event you don't receive it.

How to Use

  • Navigate to the user's profile you wish to set their password and select EDIT.

  • Under the Account tab, select the Set New Password button.

Set New Password Button.
  • Set their password. You can also select to Generate Password, or Toggle password visibility.

Password Field.
  • Strong password are required by default. If you want to allow weaker ones, select the Allow a weak password checkbox.

Your Password Is Weak Message.
  • As an Admin, you can optionally select to email the user with the new password.

Email new password to the user Checkbox.
  • As an Admin, you can optionally require the user to change their password upon login.

Force user to change password on next login Checkbox.

Last modified on May 16th, 2023