NPressive Help

Users Importing Mass Data into Profiles

There are several ways to capture data into the central database—via manual entry of a profile or profile data, submissions of a form that has data fields mapped to profiles, and finally a mass importation of data. This article discusses how to import data into the database from an external spreadsheet like a CSV or EXCEL file.

How to Use

To start importing your data, please follow the steps below:

  • Select the navigation element next to the NPressive logo, and select Auditing & I/O option. Please note that only Admin users are presented with this navigation menu. 

NPressive Navigation Menu.
  • Select Data Import option

  • Upload an import file, which includes CSV or EXCEL file, and press SUBMIT. There are some size limitations to the file; if your file exceeds the size limit, please contact us for assistance. 

Data Import Options.
  • Once submitted, you will be presented with a screen with options to import and map your data. These include options to define if the first row contains a column title, if you want to create and add a new profile if a matching profile isn't found, define which row is the unique identification (UID) to match profiles, and finally mapping of the imported fields. 

Import Mapping Options.
  • Once submitted, you will see a confirmation screen of all the data that was imported. 

Last modified on November 14th, 2022