NPressive Help

Groupings Create an NPressive Grouping

This article shows you how to create a grouping in an NPressive instance.

Add a Grouping

  1. Select the Groupings Module in the purple navigation bar on the left.

  2. Choose the Create Button in the Groupings Column.

Define the Grouping

  1. Create Grouping Modal opens to the right of the purple navigation bar.

  2. Enter your Grouping name in the Name Field.

  3. Enter a Description of your grouping in the Description Field.

  4. If your Grouping is an Organization or Household, choose the option from the Categories Dropdown Menu.

  5. If you intend for your Grouping to have a maximum number of members, enter this number in the Capacity Field. If not, enter 0 in this field.

  6. By default, a new Grouping is Join by Invite only and requires approval by the Grouping Manager. If you want your Grouping to be open for any member to join, select the Open to Join Checkbox.

  7. In the Status section, select the Active Radio Button, or else your Grouping will remain Inactive.

  8. Select the Next Button.

Add Users to Grouping

  1. You can Add Users to a Grouping by entering three or more characters of their name in the People assigned to Grouping Field.

  2. Select the Member Nametag from the results, and you'll add them to the People assigned to Grouping Field.

  3. You can remove a Member by selecting the Red X on the left side of their Nametag.

  4. When you've finished Adding Members, select the Next Button.

Add Managers to Grouping

  1. You can Add Managers to a Grouping by entering three or more characters of their name in the Users allowed to manage Field.

  2. Select the Member Nametag from the results, and you'll add them to the Users allowed to manage Field.

  3. You can remove a Member by selecting the Red X on the left side of their Nametag.

  4. You can add a more engaging or meaningful label for your Manager in the Manager's label field.

  5. When you've finished Adding Managers, select the Next Button.

Add a Custom Message

  1. On the Add a Custom Message Screen, a default Subject Line and Invite Message are ready to send to the new members of your Grouping; however, you can customize the Message manually.

  2. To send the Invite Message to your Members via email, select the check box to the left of Notify user of their membership to this Grouping at the bottom of the screen.

  3. Select the Finish Button.

Step 7: Success Message

You should see a Hooray Success Message that tells you the following:

  • Group successfully created

  • X members added to the grouping

  • X members assigned as a manager

  • X notifications were sent

You can view your grouping by selecting the View Grouping Button at the bottom-right side of the modal.

Last modified on May 16th, 2023